Saturday, November 22, 2008

electoral parrallels

I am a fan of the now finished telly program "The West Wing". In the final season, the presidential election campaign was, in my mind, spookily similar to the one we have just experienced in real life. Let me point out some similarities:
  1. In the West Wing, the Democratic candidate was a Latino, in real life, he is African american. So, both are non-white.
  2. In both cases the Democratic candidates are young.
  3. Both Republican Candidates were old men with centrist tendencies and who were dragged to the right by their parties.
  4. Current events hampered the campaigns of both republican candidates (the nuclear power plant in the West Wing, and the financial crisis in real life).
I'm sure there are more.

In the West Wing, the Republican candidate becomes a member of the new Democratic cabinet. If I remember right, he became the secretary of state. So, if the parallels hold true, should we expect McCain getting a job in Obama's administration?

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